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~ Kilgore College ~

Kilgore Twirlers

Tryouts are held each May. At tryouts, canidates learn a routine choreographed by Paige Keitt which they perform in groups of two to three. Drum Major candidates also perform the group routine as well as their own choreographed solo and Drum Major routine.

The twirlers perform at football games, pep rallies, basketball games, march in parades, and perform each year at the school's variety production. They have marched in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, performed at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, TX and made trips overseas.

Kilgore friends
Kilgore College is a two-year junior college in Kilgore, Texas. The twirling line consists of a Drum Major and anywhere from about 8 to 14 members. KC Twirlers are not feature twirlers (although they have had one and sometimes two - there is no feature twirler this year). Twirlers at Kilgore focus on precision line twirling. They perform high tosses, aerials, and do a variety of difficult footwork and body moves.

Kilgore half-time show

Former Twirlers have formed an alumni group to assist in raising scholarships and Holly McBerty heads up the "Adopt-A-Twirler" group. Currently there are 28 volunteers that adopt a twirler off the current line. They send them notes, gifts, and most of all their encouragement throughout the school year.

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visit the Kilgore Twirlers for more information.
© 2000